Medical Disclaimer/ Terms of Use





By using you agree to all the terms and conditions listed below is strictly for informational purposes only; All content on is for educational purposes only. This includes text, images, and content of any kind. We do not offer any medical advice; any content viewed on does not substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a health care professional. If you have a medical emergency you should always go to the emergency room immediately. You should consult your doctor before starting any exercise, medication, diet, or new lifestyle of any kind. is not responsible or liable for the misuse of the content provided on this site that could lead to personal injury, permanent or temporary impairment of any kind, or death.


Information on this site may be subjected to revision and change without notice.’s drug information is for educational purposes only, all drug information and decisions on drug regimens should be decided with a health care professional. is not a substitute for any medical diagnosis or treatment of any kind. Always consult your doctor with any medical issue you may be experiencing. does not endorse any procedures, clinicians, doctors, herbal supplements, vitamins, corporations, or drugs.


Drug or pharmaceutical companies may not hold liable in the event a patient does not use the content within the site for educational purposes only. is also not responsible in the event any drug, medicine, or supplement is misrepresented on the site. The site will hold no responsibility in the event any content on the site misrepresents anything. The site also will hold no liability in the event a company in any area of the pharmaceutical or medical field feels defamed in any way based on the content of the site.


Drug information is subject to change and does not include a complete list of side effects, adverse reactions, allergic reactions, drug interactions, or warnings. The site is not liable in the event an allergic reaction occurs as a result of taking any drugs or medicines mentioned on the site. does not guarantee the efficiency or safety of products and treatments within the content of the site. The absent of warning on any given drug discussed on the site may not constitute to be liable. does not endorse the use of any drugs of any kind.

You should never delay or deny yourself of seeking professional medical care because of something you read on


Any negative side effects you may experience from any drug should be reported to the FDA immediately. is not liable in the event that you discontinue or start a drug because of the content viewed on the site. Drug therapy or discontinuation of any kind should be discussed with your physician. The site will not be liable for any health issue that may or may not arise from discontinuing or starting a drug regimen based on the content of the site. uses information from sources thought to be the most reliable. However the site holds no responsibility to the information provided in it’s content. It holds no responsibility for how readers interpret the content. The information on the site may contain errors, bugs, misinformation, out of date information, incompleteness, and lack of accuracy. There are no guarantees that the drug information on this site is compliant with government regulations.  


This site will not be responsible for loss of profit from any business who may use the content. holds no liability in the event a business misuses the site’s content in any way, shape, or form.


The site is subject to copyrighted material. You may view or download content on this site solely for personal, noncommercial use. Plagiarism or reconstruction of the content of this site in any form used for commercial use is a punishable offense.


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You use all content and information on this website at your own risk. The content on this site is as is. will have no liability in the event a reader or content viewer makes a change to anything in their personal life that may effect their livelihood and health status due to content they read on the site. By using the site you here by agree that any alleged damages sustained from the content of the site, cannot be used to hold liable. By viewing this site you here by agree that you will not hold liable for anything under any circumstances financially, professionally, and civilly. Always contact a health care provider or medical professional if an illness of any kind is present. is not responsible for any of the ads that may be present on the site. It does not promote nor endorse any company’s ads that may be present on the site.


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